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Aaron Pankratz

Hi! Welcome to my README!

About me

I'm an engineer, I love to learn and build things! I'm passionate about software, data, systems, architecture, technical leadership, cross-functional collaboration, and mentorship.

Education and Experience

I started learning about computers from my father. He worked as a software engineer, and taught me about software, hardware, typing, the internet, and the basics of programming. My grandfather was an engineer and taught me some of the basics of HTML and Javascript. In high school, I learned C++ by programming 'choose your own adventure' style text games.

I graduated from The University of Texas at Austin with a B.S. in Computer Science. I've spent the last 10 years, working as a Software Engineer on full-stack web, mobile, and backend systems. I consider myself a strong generalist with a preference for backend. I've built apps from the ground up and scaled systems to millions of users.

I have experience building B2B and B2C. I've crafted software products for sales SaaS, e-commerce, health, education, HR, recruiting, and fintech companies.

In my roles I've been an individual contributor, technical leader, and mentor.

Working style

I'm proactive and prefer a culture with bias for action. I believe the best teams all have trust, conflict, commitment, accountability, and results. Psychological safety is important to me and an essential part of cultivating an innovative environment. I thrive when establishing consistent daily routines, creating stability, predictability, and trust. I value careful planning and preparation. I say what I mean and mean what I say.


My DISC Type is C, analyst. I tend to be an objective thinker and prioritize accuracy and results. I pay attention to small details and take a systematic aproach to solving problems. I naturally enjoy experimenting with many solutions to a problem. I get energy from order and organization.

My top five Gallup Clifton strengths are:

Some articles I've written

On software

3 questions to stop asking during interviews